Asian Girl Panties Video Funny Reddit

Flickr / Dave Robinson
Flickr / Dave Robinson

1. I stuck it down the wrong hole.

This is either going to be:
1. funny
2. gross
to you but…

First time I attempted to put in a tampon was the last day of vacation a few years ago. I stuck it down the wrong hole because I didn't know to aim back, and so I was in pain. Well, I was going to put it in so i could swim.. I thought that maybe i jut wasn't use to it, so I waddled down to the pool in pain. I jumped in the pool thinking the water would soften it, and there was a sharp pain when i moved my legs. Well after about 3 minutes, the pain went away. I didn't notice it until I was getting out of the pool though. Well, I went back into our condo and… the tampon was gone LOL. Good thing it was our last day at the condo, because uh… some people were going to find a tampon in the water. Yep. Oh well, JUST AIM BACKWARDS! lol

2. The guy pulled one out, thinking it was candy.

There's this guy who liked to mess with my backpack, opening it and taking my pens out etc. Well, one day I had my period and I always kept my tampons in the front pocket of my backpack. The guy pulled one out, thinking it was candy. Next thing i know he's shoving it back in my hand saying sorry. I look at him and he's bright red in the face and in my hand is the tampon halfway out and hastily shoved back in the packaging. I felt a little embarrassed but not really. I started laughing my ass off by his expression. It took him a week to talk to me again.

3. I started to leak and my tennis pants had blood all over them!

I had tennis practice and I was wearing a tampon. We had an emergency meeting so I had to wear the tampon for a little bit more than 8 hours then I started to leak and my tennis pants had blood all over them! Luckily I don't have TSS!

4. he told me i had a string hanging out of my suit.

there was this one lifeguard there-he was like 15 and really hott!

i was like diving off the board and he blew his whistle and called me over. i was really excited cause he was like smiling and it looked like he wanted to talk to me. then he told me i had a string hanging out of my suit i was absolutely MORTIFIED

5. i was just awkwardly sitting on the toilet with a string hanging out of me and blood in the toilet.

I used a tampon for the first time because i had volleyball and pads are uncomfortable like diapers lol so i asked my private coach (also one of my teachers in school) if i could go to the bathroom and i went and wanted to change my tampon that i put in about 20 minutes ago after school, before my lesson, and put a pad on instead and i couldn't get it out! I was in there for about 10 minutes crying and trying to get it out and my coach comes in and asks if I'm ok and i say yes sniffling and she said y are u crying and i just kept crying and she said do u need help and i said yea and she said ok I'm coming under and she crawled under the stall and unlocked it and said what's wrong and i told her and i was just awkwardly sitting on the toilet with a string hanging out of me and blood in the toilet and she pulled the string for like a minute until it would come out and then got me a pad from the nurse and she saw my vagina and blood and everything!!!!!! I had to go to her class next day;(

6. i couldn't even get it in, so my friend's mom had to put it in for me.

LOL, i was at my friend's beach house and my period came.

i wanted to go in the water, so i decided to try a tampon.

i couldn't even get it in, so my friend's mom had to put it in for me.

what's even better is that she's a gynecologist, so the whole time she was explaining to me the anatomy of the vagina and how to direct the tampon in.

7. i was like "what the hell is an applicator!?"

i'd love to share this with you guys

in grade 8, my class went to this overnight camp during the school year.

i had my period but the same day, we were all gonna go for a swim. fortunately, my friends had a tampon handy and i swear all the girls in my class were giving me instructions on how to insert it.

they then went to swim while i got ready to go swimming. when i was on the deck, some girls were like 'so Vivian, how did it go? is everything okay"
and i responded "guys… i don't know why people say 'so comfortable you can't even feel it!' …cause i FEEL IT….."

they then said "er Vivian, did you even remove the applicator"

i was like "what the hell is an applicator!?"

so yes…i shoved everything inside and forgot to take the applicator out….

8. I am on team "I didn't remove the applicator."

I am on team "I didn't remove the applicator." Yep, no clue how to use them. I was at a summer camp and we were going swimming and was bummed that I was on my period. Friend gave me a tampon and I was clueless. That was an awful day—very painful. I finally told my friend that I didn't know how she could stand them that the plastic was killing me. After laughing her ass off for like 5 minutes (15 year olds are so mature :P) she told me what i did wrong. Lesson learned the "hard" way.

9. Spent several hours trying to fish it out with my hand.

I had only used tampons a few times at this point and put one in on a particularly heavy day. I put one in and when I pulled out the applicator, the string came out with it. Not knowing what to do, I called the 800 number on the box but didn't know what to say so I hung up. Spent several hours trying to fish it out with my hand. Not fun and totally disgusting but hilarious years later.

10. She got out a mirror so I could see what I was doing and it totally freaked me out.

I had been invited to a swimming party and I was probably only 11. Up to this point I had only used pads but that obviously wasn't going to work. I was so upset about not being able to go so my mom offered to teach me how to use one… She got out a mirror so I could see what I was doing and it totally freaked me out. By the end of the experience I was in tears on my bed and my mom was calling to let my friend's mom know I wouldn't be making it to the party.

That experience was so traumatizing that I didn't wear a tampon until I was 18 and in college.

11. About 10 years ago I had some "foul" smell coming from there and went to the doctor.

I'm a CLEAN, well kept woman but about 10 years ago I had some "foul" smell coming from there and went to the doctor. There was a tampon in there that I had NO idea was there. I can't explain what happened. I change my tampons regularly throughout the day, I am usually VERY diligent about taking care of myself in general. I cannot tell you how embarassing and shocking this was that it happened to me. I was so embarassed that you ladies are really the only people I have ever told this happened. Again, I have NO idea how it happened, but please, PLEASE, please don't assume this can't happen to you just because you're "clean" or "well kept". Thought Catalog Logo Mark


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